Posts by ServerOk

Find all sites using a specific nameserver

Find all sites using a specific nameserver

To list all sites that use a specific name server, you can use the search available on web site


Magento Change URL

Magento store website URL in table core_config_data. This is the same for Magento 1 and Magento 2. To see the

Oracle Ksplice

Updating Kernel on Oracle Linux with Ksplice

Oracle Linux come with Ksplice, it allow you to upgrade Kernel with out rebooting. To update kernel, run Example

Install clamav  Antivirus on CentOS 7

Install clamav Antivirus on CentOS 7

ClamAV is provided by the EPEL repo. Install epel repo Install ClamAV with Back to ClamAV

OpenLiteSpeed Benchmark

Install OpenLiteSpeed on CentOS

To install OpenLiteSpeed web server on CentOS, install repository for your CentOS version For CentOS 6 For CentOS 7 For


Ubuntu 18.04 MariaDB 10.2 Too many open files

On my computer running Ubuntu 18.04, MriaDB stopped working. PHP application i run on my computer failed with error Application

CloudLinux PHP Selector on Cpanel Server

CloudLinux PHP Selector on Cpanel Server

CloudLinux come with PHP Selector, this allow you to select differnt PHP versions. When you enable PHP selector, you should

OpenLiteSpeed Benchmark


OpenLiteSpeed Binary Installation Install OpenLiteSpeed on CentOS LiteSpeed Web Server Install Zend OpCache on OpenLiteSpeed Server Monitor OpenLiteSpeed with monit

Linux whois command

Linux whois command

Linux whois command is used to find who owns a domain or IP address. To see information about a domain,

Set hostname in CentOS 7

Set hostname in CentOS 7

Hostname is a sub domain. To set hosting, edit file Add Example Now run Example Run Edit file Edit or

Check if HTTP/2 enabled using curl

Check if HTTP/2 enabled using curl

To see if a web site have HTTP/2 enabled, you can run If you see 2, the site have HTTP/2



Website to test Microphone linux sound