Cron Job fails with Error Message “(getpwnam() failed): No such file or directory”

On a CentOS server, cronjob did not work. Checking the log file found the following error message in /var/log/cron The

Run rsync if not running using cronjob

I want to rsync files from one server to another server every 5 minutes, but only want to start the

How to Enable Magento 2 Cronjob

How to Enable Magento 2 Cronjob

Magento uses cron jobs for numerous features to schedule activities. To enable the cron job in Magento 2, log in

Set vim as default cronjob editor

Set vim as default cronjob editor

Method 1 Find Replace with Method 2 edit .bash_profile Add Once added, .bash_profile will look like Method 3 If you

Start a program after reboot using cronjob

Start a program after reboot using cronjob

To start a program using cronjob, create a cronjob like On system boot, the command “/root/” will be executed.



crontab Start a program after reboot using cronjob Running wp-cron with cronjob Cronjob for Magento 1.9 set vi as default