How to list iptables rules

To view all rules in iptables, run Or To list iptables rules with out resolving IP to hostname To show

How to redirect traffic to another IP using iptables

After migrating websites to a new server, you need to point domains to the new server by changing the name

Port forward using iptables

Port forward using iptables

To forward all request on port 80 to port 8080, run Related Posts iptables

Block an IP using iptables

Block an IP using iptables

To block an IP using iptables, use Replace IPADDR with IP address you need to block. To block an IP

Open MySQL Port 3306 in CentOS 7

Open MySQL Port 3306 in CentOS 7

To allow MySQL to connect from remote server on CentOS 7 server, you need to enable port 3306 in firewall.



firewalld ufw iptables Install bitninja firewall

Unban an IP from CSF Firewall

To unban an IP from CSF firewall, run Here i have an IP blocked in firewall. To see if CSF



How to list iptables rules Block an IP using iptables Open MySQL Port 3306 in CentOS 7 Saving iptables firewall

iptables -F lock me out

iptables -F lock me out

After i type server goes down. Can’t connect to web or ssh, seems all connection is locked by iptables. SOLUTION