Tag: imapcopy

  • Migrate Emails using imapcopy

    imapcopy is a program to copy mails from one IMAP mailbox to another. I was using this for email migrations. But for a large mailbox with 9300 mails, this failed. So i looked for alternatives. I installed imapsync, it was little annoying to install as it need lot of other packages installed for it to work. But imapsync worked better than imapcopy.

    To instal imapcopy on Ubuntu/Debian, run

    apt install imapcopy

    To migrate mailbox, create a file

    vi ImapCopy.cfg

    Create config file

    SourceServer SOURCE_SERVER_IP
    SourcePort 143
    DestPort 143
    skipfolder INBOX.Trash
    skipfolder INBOX.Spam
    Copy "[email protected]" "SOURCE_PASSWORD" "[email protected]" "DEST_PASSWORD"

    In above file, replace SOURCE and DESTINATION server IP, user and passwords.

    To start the email migration, run


    You can test the config with command

    imapcopy -t
    imapcopy -i