Tag: Flask

  • Create Python Flask Docker Container

    Create Python Flask Docker Container

    Create a folder and change to the folder

    mkdir python-flask
    cd python-flask

    Create file

    vi Dockerfile

    Add following content

    FROM python:2.7-slim
    WORKDIR /app
    COPY . /app
    RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
    EXPOSE 8080
    CMD ["python", "app.py"]

    Create file requirements.txt, add “Flask” to it.

    echo "Flask" > requirments.txt

    Now lets create our Python Flask Application

    vi app.py

    Add following content

    from flask import Flask
    import os
    import socket
    app = Flask(__name__)
    def hello():
    	return  "

    Ok, World

    " if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host="", port=8080)

    To test Flask application locally, install Flask using pip

    sudo pip install Flask

    Now run the application using

    python app.py

    Now you will be able to see web application at


    Press CTRL+C to stop the application.

    To build Docker image, run

    docker build -t python-flask-app .

    -t specify tag.

    If all worked properly, you will see

    You can see the container image listed

    docker images

    Now your docker image is ready. To build a container using this image, run

    docker container run -d --name my-flask-app -p 8080:8080 python-flask-app

    You can access your python application running inside docker container on URL


    To stop the application, run

    docker stop my-flask-app

    To start it, run

    docker start my-flask-app