Start Your own video sharing site like YouTube (YouTube Clone)
vShare is a YouTube Clone script that allow you to run your own video sharing portal like, Dailymotion, Google Video, Yahoo Video and others
vShare allow your visitors to upload, view, share video clips, comment and bookmark other video’s.
vShare convert user uploaded video to MP4/FLV format, this allow streaming of video with flash player.
Video sites are making tons of money. Metacafe received 17 millions venture capital for its site, just to have a site like this. Vsocial, Youtube, Videomotion and DailyMotion make tons of money, and now you can too with a little imagination and application.
Now even Microsoft, Yahoo and AOL launched YouTube clone sites, because they make good money.
Price: $10.00

Why Buy vShare YouTube clone
- New Bootstrap theme
- Improved Speed & Security
- Multi-Server Support
- Lighttpd and Nginx Media server support
- Embed videos from other sites
- Search Engine Friendly URLs
- Advanced Meta-Tag Support
- HTML5 Upload Progress Bar
- reCaptcha and Spam protection

- MySQL 5
- PHP 5.3 or higher
- MySQLi
- Fmpeg (
- Mplayer + Mencoder (
- flvtool2 (
- qt-faststart
- Libogg + Libvorbis (
- LAME MP3 Encoder (
NOTE: Not all shared web hosting support requirement for YouTube Clone Script. We recommend ffmpeg hosting from