Install Squid Proxy Server

Proxy server allows hiding your IP address. You can find the Squid Proxy Installer script at

The script supports the following Operating systems

  • Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, 24.04
  • Debian 8, 9, 10, 11
  • CentOS 8, 9
  • AlmaLinux 8, 9

Video Tutorial

How to install Squid Proxy Server in DigitalOcean Droplet (VPS).

Become user root

If you are not logged in as user root, you need to become user root. This can be done with the command

sudo su

If sudo su did not work for you, try

su -

Install wget

On CentOS/AlmaLinix

yum install -y wget

On Ubuntu/Debian

apt install -y wget

install squid proxy server

To install squid proxy server, run

wget -O

After installing Squid Proxy Server, you may need to change the port. For instructions, see How to change Port of Squid Proxy Server

Create a Proxy User

To create a user in squid proxy, run

sudo squid-add-user

To change the password for an existing user, just create the user again with a different password. This will update the existing user password.

Configure Multiple IPs

If you have multiple IP addresses on the server, first make sure IPs are properly configured on your web server. If your secondary IPs are configured, you should be able to ping to these IPs and connect to the server using the IP address.

Once IPs are configured in the server and able to ping, you can run following commands

sudo bash

Now you will be able to use all IP available in the server as a proxy server.

This won’t work if your IPs are behind NAT. You can verify this by running the command “ip a”, it should list all IP addresses.

Test Proxy Server with curl


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