Tag: kubectl

  • kubectl

    kubectl command is used to manage Kubernetes Clusters.

    To install kubectl on Linux, run

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/serverok/server-setup/master/install/kubectl.sh
    bash kubectl.sh

    On Ubuntu, you can install from snap using

    sudo snap install kubectl --classic

    or with apt

    apt-get install kubectl

    To get help, run

    kubectl help

    Check if Kubernetes environment is ready

    kubectl version

    Run nginx container

    kubectl run nginx --image=nginx:1.10.0

    Connect to a pod

    kubectl exec monolith --stdin --tty -c monolith /bin/sh

    Execute a command in pod

    kubectl exec POD-ID-HERE -- COMMAND_HERE

    Change image used by a pod

    kubectl set image deployement/nginx nginx=1.13

    Scale a deployment

    kubectl scale deployement nginx --replicas=10

    Expose a port

    kubectl expose deployment nginx --port 80 --type LoadBalancer

    Port forward

    kubectl port-forward monolith 10080:80

    Some useful commands

    kubectl get no
    kubectl get nodes
    List all available nodes
    kubectl get po
    kubectl get pods
    List all available pods
    kubectl get services
    kubectl get svc
    List all available services
    kubectl get deployments List all deployments
    kubectl config current-context Shows with cluster kubectl is connected to.
    kubectl cluster-info Shows info on current cluster.
    kubectl scale deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME –replicas 4 Scale a deployment to 4 replicas.
    kubectl create ns production Create namespace “production”
    kubectl -n kube-system create sa tiller Create tiller account for helm
    kubectl delete all –all delete all resources in cluster

    See Kubernetes