kubectl command is used to manage Kubernetes Clusters.
To install kubectl on Linux, run
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/serverok/server-setup/master/install/kubectl.sh bash kubectl.sh
On Ubuntu, you can install from snap using
sudo snap install kubectl --classic
or with apt
apt-get install kubectl
To get help, run
kubectl help
Check if Kubernetes environment is ready
kubectl version
Run nginx container
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx:1.10.0
Connect to a pod
kubectl exec monolith --stdin --tty -c monolith /bin/sh
Execute a command in pod
kubectl exec POD-ID-HERE -- COMMAND_HERE
Change image used by a pod
kubectl set image deployement/nginx nginx=1.13
Scale a deployment
kubectl scale deployement nginx --replicas=10
Expose a port
kubectl expose deployment nginx --port 80 --type LoadBalancer
Port forward
kubectl port-forward monolith 10080:80
Some useful commands
kubectl get no kubectl get nodes |
List all available nodes |
kubectl get po kubectl get pods |
List all available pods |
kubectl get services kubectl get svc |
List all available services |
kubectl get deployments | List all deployments |
kubectl config current-context | Shows with cluster kubectl is connected to. |
kubectl cluster-info | Shows info on current cluster. |
kubectl scale deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME –replicas 4 | Scale a deployment to 4 replicas. |
kubectl create ns production | Create namespace “production” |
kubectl -n kube-system create sa tiller | Create tiller account for helm |
kubectl delete all –all | delete all resources in cluster |
See Kubernetes