MySQL ERROR 1114 (HY000) at line 2137: The table ‘X’ is full

When restoring a MySQL database, I get the following error How to fix ERROR 1114 (HY000) table is full? First,


ERROR 1451 (23000): Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails

When deleting a table in a MySQL database, I get the following error message To fix the error, run Now

MySQL ERROR Unable to create or change a table without a primary key

MySQL ERROR Unable to create or change a table without a primary key

When trying to restore a database backup to Managed DigitialOcean MySQL 8 database, i get following error This is because


MySQL Recovering after a crash using tc.log

After MySQL upgrade from MraiaDB 10.1 to 10.3, MySQL failed to start. On checking log, found On /var/lib/mysql folder, there