Tag: mysql root password

  • How to Reset Root Password in MySQL 8.0

    How to Reset Root Password in MySQL 8.0

    If you forget the MySQL root password on MySQL 8.0 server, you can follow the instruction here to reset the root user password.

    First, stop the MySQL server if it is already running

    systemctl stop mysql

    Create folder

    mkdir /var/run/mysqld/
    chown mysql:mysql /var/run/mysqld/

    Now start MySQL with –skip-grant-tables option

    mysqld --skip-grant-tables --user=mysql

    Take a new terminal, connect to MySQL

    mysql -u root -p

    When it asks for the root password, just press enter. No need to enter any password. To reset MySQL root password, run


    After running the above 2 SQL commands, exit MySQL command prompt with command exit or press CTRL+D.

    Now you need to find the process ID of MySQL

    ps aux | grep mysql

    Kill the process with


    Now start MySQL normally with

    systemctl start mysql

    Now you will be able to login to the MySQL server using the new PASSWORD

    mysql -u root -p

    See MySQL root password, MySQL Could not create unix socket lock file