Red Hat Certified Engineer Exam Questions
Before starting exam
#iptables -L #iptables -F #service iptables save #service iptables restart #chkconfig iptables on
1. Enable selinux as enforcing
# setup firewall configuration - disabled # getenforce # lokkit --selinux=enforcing init6 # cat /etc/sysconfig/system-config-firewall # cat /etc/stsconfig/selinux
2. Enable IP forwarding on your virtual machine
Step-01: Enable IP Forwarding permanently in your machine. vi /etc/sysctl.conf (sysctl configure parameters at run level) change line number 7 net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 :wq Step-02: sysctl -p
3. Configure FTP access on your system.
clients with in should have anonymous FTP access to your machine.
clients outside should Not have access to your FTP service.
Step-01: #yum install vsftpd* #service vsftpd restart #yum install ftp Step-02: #ftpuser:annonymous password: enter Step-03: #vi /etc/hosts.deny vsftpd: ALL EXCEPT IP/mask :wq! Step-04: #service vsftpd restart #chkconfig vsftpd on If login problem remove anonymous user from below files #vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf #vi /etc/vsftpd/ftpusers #vi /etc/vsftpd/user_list
4. Set cron service such that it can’t be accessable by mike
Step-01: #vi /etc/cron.deny mike :wq Step-02: #service crond restart #chkconfig crond on (to check - # grep mike /etc/passwd)
5. Configure ssh as follows
natasha has remote access to your machine from with in
client within should not have access to ssh on your system
Step-01: #vi /etc/hosts.allow sshd: :wq Step-02: #vi /etc/hosts.deny sshd: :wq! Step-03: #service sshd restart #chkconfig sshd on #service iptables restart #chkconfig iptables on
6. Export your /archive directory via NFS to the domain only.
Export Your /common directory via NFS to the domain only. (linux to linux directory sharing)
Step-01: #vi /etc/exports /common,sync) :wq Step-02: #service nfs restart #exportfs #chkconfig nfs on
7.Share the /common directory via SMB
Your SMB server must be a member of STAFF workgroup
the share’s name must common
The common share must be available to clients only.
The common share must be browseable
natasha must have read access to the share authenticity with the password porstroll if necessary.
Step-01: #yum install samba* Step-02: #vim /etc/samba/smb.conf Go to 74th line Workgroup=STAFF Shift+G copy last 7 lines using 7yy and p command Remove ; from all lines and edit like [common] ( sharename comment=public_staff path=common (path=valid users=natasha ( add this line) public=yes browseable=yes Writable=no ( yes change to no) Printable=no :wq Step-03: #service smb restart Step-04: #smbpasswd -a natasha New smbpassword:postroll Step-05: #vim /etc/hosts.deny smb: ALL EXCEPT IP/netmask :wq! Step-06: #chcon -t samba_share_t /common (/common or share directory) #ls -dZ /common Step-07: #service smb restart #chkconfig smb on Step-08: #smbclient //ip/common -U natasha (#smbclient //ip/ -U natasha
* [[samba]]
8 Implement a web server for the site then perform the following steps:
Rename the download file to index.html
Copy this index.html to Document root of your web server
Do Not Make any modifications to the content of index.html
Step-01: #yum install httpd #service httpd restart Step-02 : #cd /var/www/html #wget mv station.html index.html Step-03: #vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf :set nu 990 remove * and add IP Virtual host: ip:80 (ifconfig and take ip) 1003 rd line copy 7 line 7 yy remove # from all line document root /var/www/html server name :wq Step-04: #service httpd restart #chkconfig httpd on
9. Extend the web server include
Document root /var/www/virtual
Download and rename to index.html
ensure natasha is able to create content in /var/www/virtual provided by
Step-01: #service httpd start Step-02: #cd /var/www/ #mkdir virtual #cd virtual #wget ftp...... #mv www.html index.html Step-03: #vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf :set nu 1003 copy 7yy and P remove # from all line:80> Document root /var/www/virtual Servername :wq! Step-04: #service httpd restart #chkconfig httpd on Step-05: #setfacl -m u:natasha:rwx /var/www/virtual
10. Create a directory limited on your document root
rename the downloaded file to index.html
copy this index.html file the limited directry
Make it such that the content of limit can be accessable to the local users only.
Step-01: #cd /var/www/html #mkdir /limited #cd limited Step-02: #wget #mv station.html index.html Step-03: #vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 1003rd line before closing type the following Step-04:allow,deny Allow from IP :wq! Step-05: #service httpd restart #chkconfig httpd on
11. Export your /archive directory via NFS to the domain only.
Export Your /common directory via NFS to the domain only.
(linux to linux directory sharing)
Step-01: #vi /etc/exports #/common,sync) :wq Step-02: #service nfs restart #exportfs #chkconfig nfs on
12. configure SMTP mail service according to the following requirements
Your mail server should accept mail from remote hosts mail delivered paula should spool into default mail spool for paula, /var/spool/paula
Step-01: #Yum install postfix* #chkconfig postfix on #service postfix restart Step-02: #vi /etc/postfix/ #remove # from 113 th line #place # on the 116th line Step-03: #service postfix restart
13. Configure an email alias for your MTA such that mail set to admin is received by the local user harry
Step-01: #vi /etc/aliases admin:harry :wq Step-02: #newaliases
14.Using iscsi, discover and mount a device shared by
create an iscsi storage device of 1100 MB size
and copy it to the iscsi device
Mount the device permanently under /mnt/data as ext4 file system
Step-01: #iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p hostname copy the iqn number line #iscsiadm -m node-p hostname #iscsiadm -m node -p hostname -l (if -p error - try with -P) Step-02: #fdisk -l n p default default +1100M p w Step-03: #partprobe -s /dev/sda (higher size than provided, then only we can create partition) Step-04: #mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1 #mkdir /mnt/data Step-05: For Permanently Mount: #vi /etc/fstab /dev/sda1 /mnt/data ext4 default 0 0 :wq! #mount -a Step-06: #cd /mnt/data #wget
15. Configure kernel such that kernstack value is 1 . kernel line should display the edited string in /proc/cmdline
Step-01: #vi /etc/grub.conf go to the end of kernel line ,after word quiet, put a space and type kernstack=1 :wq! Step-02: reboot #cat /proc/cmdline
16. Write a script /root/ such that when we execute /root/ python it displays perl and when we execute /root/ perl displays python.
And when we type some other charactoer, /root/ Perl/Python is directed to stdeer
#vi /root/ if [ "$a == "Python" ] then echo "Perl" elif [ "$a == "Perl" ] then echo "Python' else echo "/root/ /Python/Perl" >> stdeer if :wq! /root/ Perl chmod 755 /root/ # /root/ dgfdg #vi /stdeer Python/Perl