Roundcube add generic message in footer

Roundcube add generic message in footer

Add message to footer of outgoing mails. Edit config/ Add Now in root folder of roundcube, create a file message_footer.txt

Roundcube disable multiple identities

Roundcube disable multiple identities

Edit Find Setting value of identities_level disallow users to change from email address. See Roundcube

Enable debug mode in Roundcube webmail

Enable debug mode in Roundcube webmail

To enable debug mode in roundcube webmail, edit file Update the vairable See Roundcube



Roundcube Webmail Logs in Cpanel Server Enable debug mode in Roundcube webmail Roundcube disable multiple identities Roundcube add generic message

Roundcube Webmail Logs in Cpanel Server

Roundcube Webmail Logs in Cpanel Server

Roundcube logs that are located at the following paths: /var/cpanel/roundcube/log/sendmail have logs for every email sent. See Cpanel