Amazon Elastic IP The maximum number of addresses has been reached.

Amazon Elastic IP The maximum number of addresses has been reached.

When assigning Elastic IP in Amazon AWS, I get an error The maximum number of addresses has been reached. This

WordPress bitnami

WordPress bitnami

Install LetsEncrypt SSL on Bitnami To stop/start service use To stop MySQL, run To disable Banner on WordPress site,

Amazon EFS

Amazon EFS

Amazon EFS can be used to mount same drive on multiple EC2 instances allowing you to make web site scale

Enable Static External IP in Google Cloud

By default when you create a Compute Engine virtual machine in Google Cloud, you get public IP address. This IP



Rancher is an open source container management platform. To install rancher, you need to install docker. Once you have

Installing kubernetes master on Ubuntu 16.04

Installing kubernetes master on Ubuntu 16.04

To install master on Ubuntu 16.04, lets start by installing docker. Now install kubeadm You can create kubernetes master by