
Set unlimited resources for a user in cloudlinux

To set unlimited resources for a user in cloudlinux, run the following command: Back to cloudlinux

How to install ImunifyAV+

How to install ImunifyAV+

ImunifyAV+ is an anti-malware software for Cpanel/Plesk servers. This is paid version of ImunifyAV. To install ImunifyAV+, run If you


Connect to backend failed: connect to lsphp failed: 110

On a CloudLinux Server, websites stopped working with the error message “Service Unavailable”. On checking error_log in /usr/local/apache/logs, found following

Cpanel CloudLinux set all users to use alt-php

Cpanel CloudLinux set all users to use alt-php

If your cpanel server have cloudlinux + PHP Selector installed, you need to set all site to use inherit PHP

CageFS command not working for user

CageFS command not working for user

I have flvtool2 installed on the server. Path to binary file location was added in file /etc/cagefs/conf.d/vshare.cfg [root@server22 ~]# cat



Enable CafeFS for all cpanel users cagefsctl –enable-all