Configure VPS IP address in OneProvider Server

If you are running virtualization software like Proxmox, KVM, or VMWare ESXi on the OneProvider server, you need to order

Linux groups

To see lists all groups that a user is in, run Example To add a user to a group, run

Drupal 7 Enable/Disable Maintenance Mode

To disable maintenance mode in drupal 7.x run the command Example To Enable Maintenance mode, run


WordPress htaccess

WordPress uses .htaccess file for SEO friendly URL when using Apache or LiteSpeed webserver. If WordPress is installed on the

Apache web server

Change Apache Server MPM in RHEL 8

Apache on RHEL 8 uses events MPM. You can use apachectl -V command to see the current MPM used by

puttygen: error loading x.ppk: PuTTY key format too new

Putty saves ssh key in file with .ppk extension. To use the key on Linux systems, you need to convert

OSError: mysql_config not found

When installing the python mysqlclient module with pip, I got the error “OSError: mysql_config not found”. (venv) root@sok:~# pip install


CURL ERROR 7 could not establish a secure connection to

On a WordPress website hosted on a CentOS server, I got the following error on the header of the website.

How to Migrate Linux Server with rsync

A few days ago I wanted to Migrate an Ubuntu VPS from one provider to another. I tried to take

Apache Solr

How To Install Apache Solr on Debian 10

Apache Solr is a highly reliable and scalable open source search platform. Solr powers the search and navigation features of

How to Install Supervisord on CentOS 7

Supervisor is a program used to monitor and control programs. It can auto startup application on server boot time, and



How to Reinstall Operating System on Vultr VPS