Tag: AnyDesk

  • Install AnyDesk on Ubuntu

    To install AnyDesk on Ubuntu, run following commands as user root (sudo su).

    wget -qO - https://keys.anydesk.com/repos/DEB-GPG-KEY | apt-key add -

    Add repository

    echo "deb http://deb.anydesk.com/ all main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/anydesk-stable.list

    Update apt cache

    apt update

    Install anydesk with

    apt install anydesk

    If you don’t want auto start anydesk on boot, disable it with

    systemctl disable anydesk

    If you need to enable AnyDesk start on boot, run

    systemctl enable anydesk

    To see if anydesk is enabled or disabled, you can run

    systemctl list-unit-files | grep anydesk

    To check status of anydesk, run

    systemctl status anydesk

    You can manually start it with

    systemctl start anydesk

    See AnyDesk

  • Install AnyDesk on Ubuntu using flatpak

    Install AnyDesk on Ubuntu using flatpak

    AnyDesk ubuntu flatpak

    AnyDesk is a remote desktop sharing application like TeamViewer and Google Remote Desktop. I normally use Google Chrome Remote desk as it is completely free. TeamViewer is popuplar alternative, but if they found out you are using it more often, they will limit your session to 5 minutes, some times even less to force you pay for paid version.

    AnyDesk available for Ubuntu in deb file. I don’t like installing .deb package as it run a background process on port 7070 or somthing like that. So i decided to go with flatpak version.

    First install flatpak with command

    sudo apt install flatpak

    Add remote

    flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

    Now you can install AnyDesk with command

    flatpak install flathub com.anydesk.Anydesk

    flatpak install anydesk

    To run AnyDesk, run

    flatpak run com.anydesk.Anydesk