Tag: cpanel

  • Disable 2 Factor Authentication in Cpanel

    To disable 2 Factor Autentication for WHM in Cpanel Server, SSH into server as user root, run

    whmapi1 twofactorauth disable_policy

    Or run

    whmapi1 create_user_session user=root service=whostmgrd locale=en

    This will create a link for WHM login, using this link won’t require 2 Factor Authentication. After logging into WHM, you can disable 2 Factor Autentication.

    If you want 2 FA disabled for a cpanel user, run

    /usr/local/cpanel/bin/uapi --user=username TwoFactorAuth remove_user_configuration
  • Reinstall EasyApache4

    To reinstall EasyApache 4, run

    yum reinstall ea-*
  • Enable HTTP/2 in Cpanel Server

    Enable HTTP/2 in Cpanel Server

    HTTP/2 only works with mod_worker or mod_event. if you use another mpm module you need to switch to worker or event.

    To install http2, login to WHM as user root. Go to

    WHM > EasyApache 4 >  Currently Installed Packages > Customize

    Now under Apache Modules, search for “http2”. Use the selector on right side to install it. Click “Next” until it it reach provision page. Click “Provision”.

    Cpanel enable http2

    Configuration for http2 located at

    [root@ip-172-31-47-93 ~]# cat /etc/apache2/conf.d/http2.conf 
        LogLevel http2:info
        Protocols h2 h2c http/1.1
    [root@ip-172-31-47-93 ~]# 

    You can verify HTTP2 work for your site at


    Most browsers only support HTTP2 over SSL, so make sure you have SSL (https://) enabled.

    See Cpanel Server http2

  • phpMyAdmin missing from WHM after upgrade

    On WHM, phpMyAdmin was missing from left menu after Cpanel upgrade.

    Verify cpanel-phpmyadmin package insalled on the server.

    [root@server82 ~]# rpm -qa | grep phpmyadmin
    [root@server82 ~]# 

    Since phpmyadmin package was installed, clear WHM cache with commands


    After clearning browser cahce, phpMyAdmin started showing in WHM.

  • Cpanel Server Disk Partition

    Cpanel Server Disk Partition

    Many server providers setup server with smaller / partition like 20 GB. This is fine for normal Linux Servers, you will need more disk space on Cpanel Servers. Many use CloudLinux on Cpanel Servers, this will require you to have more free disk space on / partition.

    The partition i use for Cpanel Servers are

    /  = 122880 MB (120 GB)
    /home = rest of the disk
    swap = 8192 MB (8 GB)

    I don’t create seperate partition for /usr and /var as this will use up more space, may end up one of the partition get filled up while other have lot of free space. Having one partition for /, you don’t need to worry much.

    Another partition scheme is give everything to /

    /  = All of the disk.
    swap = 8 GB
  • Install Cpanel DNS Only Server

    To install Cpanel DNS only server, run

    wget http://layer1.cpanel.net/cpanel-dnsonly-install.sea
    sh cpanel-dnsonly-install.sea