Create Python Flask Docker Container

Create a folder and change to the folder Create file Add following content Create file requirements.txt, add “Flask” to it.


Docker container start on boot

To set a docker container to start on system reboot, run Replace CONTAINER_ID with actual ID of your container. You

Docker Nginx Proxy

Docker Nginx Proxy

Docker Nginx Proxy allow you to run multiple docker containers on same server behind nginx proxy. This is done using

Deploy Docker Image using Elastic Beanstalk

First create a file docker-eb-run.json with following content here i used docker container bitnami/tomcat, you can use any container. Login

Installing Docker on Ubuntu 16.04

Installing Docker on Ubuntu 16.04

To install docker on Ubuntu 16.04, run To run docker commands as your user, run Docker

Docker Delete all images

Docker Delete all images

Before you can delete a docker image, you need to delete any container that is based on this image. So

Red Hat acquires CoreOS for $250 mililon

Red Hat acquires CoreOS for $250 mililon

CoreOS is a container-optimized Linux operating system to be used under docker/Kubernetes. On January 30, 2018, Red Hat, Inc. announced

Running MySQL inside docker

Running MySQL inside docker

On a Cpanel Server with an old version of PHP, one of the applications requires MySQL 5.6 to work. Since



If you need to try docker on web without installing on your computer, use Docker Install Install Docker on