Tag: mysqldump

  • mysqldump Lost connection to MySQL server during query when dumping table

    mysqldump Lost connection to MySQL server during query when dumping table

    When taking backup of a MySQL database, i got error

    root@server1:~# mysqldump --opt serverok_wp > serverok_wp.sql
    mysqldump: Error 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query when dumping table `wp_options` at row: 60831

    This error happens when connection between your MySQL client and server is timing out during the mysqldump process.

    To fix, increase the value of max_allowed_packet in both MySQL server and client configuration files. This parameter controls the maximum size of a single packet. The default value is 16M, but you can increase it up to 1G.

    On Ubuntu MariaDB installation, edit MySQL client configuration file

    vi /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-client.cnf

    Under [client], add


    set max_allowed_packet for mysql client

    Next you need to update MySQL server configuration file

    vi /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf

    Under [mysqld] section, find entry for max_allowed_packet, update its value to 1G, if not found, add an entry.


    configure mariadb server max_allowed_packet

    Now restart MySQL

    systemctl restart mysql

    Back to mysqldump

  • mysqldump errno: 24 Can’t open file  when using LOCK TABLES

    mysqldump errno: 24 Can’t open file when using LOCK TABLES

    When backing up a MySQL database using mysqldump command, I got the following error.

    root@server12:~# mysqldump --opt DB_NAME > DB_NAME.sql
    mysqldump: Got error: 1016: Can't open file: './DB_NAME/TABLE_NAME.frm' (errno: 24) when using LOCK TABLES

    The error is due to open_files_limit

    mysql> show variables like 'open_files_limit';
    | Variable_name    | Value |
    | open_files_limit | 2558  |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    You need to edit mysql configuration file and increase value of open_files_limit.

    Another way to fix the error is to use –lock-tables=false option when taking MySQL backup.


    mysqldump --opt DB_NAME --lock-tables=false > DB_NAME.sql

    If you are using systemd, you may need to edit the service file. Identify which service file you are using with command

    systemctl list-unit-files | egrep  'mysql|mariadb'

    Now edit the service file with

    systemctl edit mysqld

    In the above command replace mysqld with the name of your service. This can be mariadb or mysql depending on your OS. You will get an editor, in the editor, paste the following, save and exit the editor.


    Restart MySQL

    systemctl restart mysqld

    To change open_file_limit on MariaDB, see MariaDB Change Open Files Limit

    Back to MySQL Backup

  • Split mysqldump backup file into tables

    Split mysqldump backup file into tables

    I had to restore a large MySQL backup file. When restoring one of the table resulted in error. To debug the error, i wanted to split the MySQL backup taken using mysqldump into tables.

    You can use csplit command to do this

    csplit -s -ftable MYSQLDUMP_BACKUP_FILE_HERE "/-- Table structure for table/" {*}

    This will generate files with name tableXX. First file table00 contains SQL commands used by all tables. Other files starting with table01 contains table related SQL file.

    split mysqldump backup file

    To rename the files into table name, run

    for FILE in `ls -1 table*`; do TABLE=`head -n 1 $FILE | cut -d$'\x60' -f2`; mv $FILE $TABLE.sql; done

    If you need to handle larger SQL file, there is a node.js project on github, that do the spliting of mysqldump file into tables.


    See MySQL

  • Extract Backup of one database from mysqldump all databases

    When you backup MySQL Server with command

    mysqldump  --all-databases > all-db.sql

    You get a MySQL backup file containing all databases.

    If you want to generate MySQL backup for single database from this file, you can run

    sed -n '/^-- Current Database: `DB_NAME`/,/^-- Current Database: `/p' all-db.sql > DB_NAME.sql

    See mysqldump

  • mysqldump

    mysqldump is a command used to backup MySQL databases.

    To take backup, run

    mysqldump --opt DB_NAME > DB_NAME.sql

    To backup with triggers, routines, and events

    mysqldump --opt --triggers --routines --events --single-transaction DB_NAME > DB_NAME.sql

    –opt combines many options. It is same as adding –add-drop-table, –add-locks, –create-options, –disable-keys, –extended-insert, –lock-tables, –quick, and –set-charset.

    –extended-insert option will group together all INSERT operations for a table. This makes the backup file smaller and makes restoration faster. I restored a mysqldump bakcup, it take me 2 hours to restore. Same database backup with –extended-insert option take only 10 minutes to restore. If you want a separate INSERT for each row, then use –skip-extended-insert or –complete-insert option

    Backup All Databases

    To backup all databases, run

    mysqldump --events --routines --triggers --all-databases | gzip -9 > "$(date +%F-%H%m%S)"-mysql-backup.sql.gz

    To backup MySQL databases into separate files, run

    mkdir /root/mysqlbackup/
    for DB in $(mysql -Be "show databases" | grep -v 'row\|information_schema\|Database\|performance_schema') ; do
        mysqldump --opt --events --routines --triggers ${DB}  > /root/mysqlbackup/${DB}.sql

    If you need to compress the sql file. use

    mkdir /root/mysqlbackup/
    for DB in $(mysql -Be "show databases" | grep -v 'row\|information_schema\|Database\|performance_schema') ; do
        mysqldump --skip-lock-tables --events --routines --triggers ${DB} | gzip -9 > /root/mysqlbackup/"$(date +%F-%H%m%S)"-${DB}.sql.gz

    Backup Database Structure only

    mysqldump --no-data DB_NAME > DB_NAME.sql

    Backup Only routines

    mysqldump --routines --no-create-info --no-data --no-create-db --skip-opt DB_NAME > DB_NAME-routines.sql

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