Validate class not found from basename Magento\Framework\Validator\EmailAddress

After Migrating a Magento site from shared hosting to a dedicated server running Plesk, when doing check out, I get an error message

Unable to save address. Please check input data.

When checking the error log var/log/exception.log, found following error message

[2022-05-10 09:30:36] main.CRITICAL: Validate class not found from basename 'Magento\Framework\Validator\EmailAddress' {"exception":"[object] (Zend_Validate_Exception(code: 0): Validate class not found from basename 'Magento\\Framework\\Validator\\EmailAddress' at /var/www/vhosts/domain.tld/httpdocs/vendor/magento/zendframework1/library/Zend/Validate.php:244)"} []

To fix this, in Plesk change PHP settings for the website

Plesk PHP settings

Change include_path from




In the above, replace DOMAIN.TLD with your actual domain name.

See Magento

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