gunicorn behind Apache web server
gunicorn is a python application server used to run python applications in production. This is normally run behind web servers like nginx or apache.
To configre gunicorn behind apache, enable following apache modules.
a2enmod proxy proxy_ajp proxy_http rewrite deflate headers proxy_balancer proxy_connect proxy_html xml2enc
Restart apache web server
systemctl restart apache2
For web site running pythin application, add a virtual host like following.
ServerName DOMAIN_NAME ServerAdmin [email protected] DocumentRoot "/home/flaskapp/myapp" ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/flaskapp-error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/flaskapp-access.log combined ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / "" Order allow,deny Allow from all Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews Satisfy Any