AtoM PDF thumbnail not working

After migrating AtoM to a new server, PDF thumbnails stopped generating when uploading PDF files.

You can regenerate thumbnail for a resource with the command

php symfony digitalobject:regen-derivatives --slug="slug-here"

When I run, I get error

$ php symfony digitalobject:regen-derivatives --slug="dd-2"
  Continuing will regenerate the derivatives for ALL digital objects (and    
  descendants of, if an information object)                                  
  This will PERMANENTLY DELETE existing derivatives you chose to regenerate  
  Continue? (y/N)                                                            
>> digital object Regenerating derivatives for img108.pdf... (51.75s)
sh: convert: command not found
>> digital object Please update the search index manually to reflect any changes
>> digital object Done!

The error “convert: command not found” is due to ImageMagick not installed on the server, fixed by installing ImageMagick with the command

yum install -y ImageMagick

Next, I get the error

which: no pdfinfo in (/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin)

Fixed by installing poppler-utils

yum install -y poppler-utils

PDF thumbnail got regenerated after installing the packages ImageMagick and poppler-utils.

$ php symfony digitalobject:regen-derivatives --slug="dd-2"
  Continuing will regenerate the derivatives for ALL digital objects (and    
  descendants of, if an information object)                                  
  This will PERMANENTLY DELETE existing derivatives you chose to regenerate  
  Continue? (y/N)                                                            
>> digital object Regenerating derivatives for img108.pdf... (2.07s)
>> digital object Please update the search index manually to reflect any changes
>> digital object Done!
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