Unable to connect to the MTA on fresh Carbonio install

On a fresh carbonio install, when trying to send email from webmail, it fails.

On checking the log file /opt/zextras/log/mailbox.log

tail -f /opt/zextras/log/mailbox.log

found following error message

com.zimbra.cs.mailbox.MailServiceException: try again: Unable to connect to the MTA

The error was because carbonio use invalid port for smtp:

zextras@mail:~$ zmprov gcf zimbraSmtpPort
zimbraSmtpPort: 20025

To fix it, set SMTP port to 25 with the command:

zmprov mcf  zimbraSmtpPort 25

After running the command, you can verify SMTP port is changed with the command:

zextras@mail:~$ zmprov gcf zimbraSmtpPort
zimbraSmtpPort: 25


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