How to configure Hostname in PowerMTA

By default, PowerMTA uses the server’s hostname. You can specify a custom hostname per Virtual MTA. To set a hostname

Install PowerMTA

Install PowerMTA

Install the requirments yum install unzip net-tools telnet git gdb -y If you already have a mail server remove it.

PowerMTA test using telnet

PowerMTA test using telnet

To test PowerMTA using telnet, run telnet localhost 25 Now paste following content ehlo localhost mail from: [email protected] rcpt to:

PowerMTA IP Rotation

PowerMTA IP Rotation

To setup IP rotation in PowerMTA, configure multiple IP on the server. Setup rDNS for each of these IP, point

PowerMTA route mails through another SMTP server for a domain

PowerMTA route mails through another SMTP server for a domain

If you want to route emils from PowerMTA though another SMTP server, you can use following config. In this example,

Enable Web Monitor UI in PowerMTA

Enable Web Monitor UI in PowerMTA

PowerMTA comes with a Web Monitor UI, that will show you some stats about your mail server, also able to

PowerMTA allow an IP to sent email

PowerMTA allow an IP to sent email

To allow a web server to send email through PowerMTA with out autentication, you need to edit PowerMTA configuration file

Create DKIM in PowerMTA

Create DKIM in PowerMTA

To generate DKIM, run the command This will create 2 files. private.pem and public.pem Create a file and copy the

Change SMTP port in PowerMTA

Change SMTP port in PowerMTA

To change SMTP port in PowerMTA, edit file vi /etc/pmta/config Find line starting with smtp-listener This line specify port used

Create SMTP user in PowerMTA

Create SMTP user in PowerMTA

Once you have PowerMTA installed, you need to create SMTP user. To create an SMTP user, edit file vi /etc/pmta/config



PowerMTA is a highly configurable mail server for email marketing. Unlike general email servers, PowerMTA can be configured to meet