Enable CloudLinux PHP lsapi

CloudLinux provides high performance PHP module lsapi. It is a replacement for suphp available on cpanel servers. lsapi module is a based on LiteSpeed Technologies API for PHP.

To enable lsapi in CloudLinux Cpanel Server, go to

WHM > EasyApache 4

Provision profile

CloudLinux + All PHP Options + OpCache + mod_lsapi
CloudLinux lasapi php

Click “Provision” and wait until the software is updated.

Now you need to set lsapi as default PHP handler. To do this, go to

WHM > MultiPHP Manager
WHM Multi PHP Manager

Click on “PHP Handlers”.

On Next page, you can set handler for each PHP versions.

You can set PHP handler to lsapi gloabally using following command

/usr/bin/switch_mod_lsapi --enable-global

Once you run it, all PHP version handlers will get chanegd to lsapi.

If you check PHP info, you will see Server API listed as LiteSpeed.

LiteSpeed Server API

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