CloudPanel – Free Hosting Control Panel Debian 10/Nginx

CloudPanel is a free hosting control panel, that make deploying web application on cloud easier. It use Nginx web server, support multile PHP versions, comes with nginx configuration for various popular CMS and web applications.

Install CloudPanel

CloudPanel need a server with Debian 10.

To install CloudPanel, run

apt update && apt -y upgrade && apt -y install curl wget sudo
curl -sSL | sudo bash

After install you can access cloudPanel at


When you access cloudpanel for first time, you will be asked to create a user. This user can be used to access cloudpanel to manage your web sites.

To list users, run

clpctl user:list

To change a user password

clpctl user:reset:password --userName=USER_HERE --password='PW_HERE'

See Hosting Control Panel

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