Disable Apache Error log in ISPConfig

ISPConfig is a free hosting control panel. It come with Nginx and Apache web servrs. You can select one during installation.

if you are using Apache web server with ISPConfig and want to disable Apache Error logs, then do the following

cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
sed -i 's/ErrorLog .*/ErrorLog \/dev\/null/g'  *

Now restart Apache

systemctl restart apache2

This is not a permanant solution as ISPCOnfig will rewrite apache configuration when you make changes to web site. I had to do this for a server which have too many sites writing errors to error_log, causing high IO load. Proper solution is to fix errors, until errors can be fixed, this is a quick fix, that will reduce IO usage due to error_log.

Make sure you make a copy of files before you run the sed command that modify all apache config, so in cuase anything happens, you can revert back.


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