EasyEngine Create Site
To create HTML web site
ee site create example.com --html
To create PHP web site
ee site create example.com --php
To create PHP/MySQL web site
ee site create example.com --mysql
To enable LetsEncrypt SSL, add –letsencrypt
ee site create example.com --letsencrypt
Create WordPress site
ee site create example.com --wp # install wordpress without any page caching ee site create example.com --w3tc # install wordpress with w3-total-cache plugin ee site create example.com --wpsc # install wordpress with whisp-super-cache plugin ee site create example.com --wpfc # install wordpress + nginx fastcgi_cache ee site create example.com --wpredis # install wordpress + nginx redis_cache
Create WordPress site with PHP 7.3 and cache enabled
ee site create domain.com --type=wp --php=7.3 --cache --ssl=le
Secify wordpress admin user and email during site creation
ee site create stunningbeachwear.ee.serverok.in --type=wp --php=7.4 --cache --ssl=le --admin-user=admin [email protected]
Create WordPress multi site
ee site create example.com --wpsubdir # install wpmu-subdirectory without any page caching ee site create example.com --wpsubdir --w3tc # install wpmu-subdirectory with w3-total-cache plugin ee site create example.com --wpsubdir --wpsc # install wpmu-subdirectory with wp-super-cache plugin ee site create example.com --wpsubdir --wpfc # install wpmu-subdirectory + nginx fastcgi_cache ee site create example.com --wpsubdir --wpredis # install wpmu-subdirectory + nginx redis_cache
WordPress Multisite with subdomain
ee site create example.com --wpsubdom # install wpmu-subdomain without any page caching ee site create example.com --wpsubdom --w3tc # install wpmu-subdomain with w3-total-cache plugin ee site create example.com --wpsubdom --wpsc # install wpmu-subdomain with wp-super-cache plugin ee site create example.com --wpsubdom --wpfc # install wpmu-subdomain + nginx fastcgi_cache ee site create example.com --wpsubdom --wpredis # install wpmu-subdomain + nginx redis_cache
Ref: https://easyengine.io/docs/commands/site/create/
See EasyEngine