How to add a PPA repository using Ansible?
To add a PPA repository using Ansible, use
- name: add ppa apt_repository: validate_certs: no repo: 'ppa:ondrej/php' state: present
--- - hosts: web user: root tasks: - name: update system apt: update_cache: yes cache_valid_time: 3600 - name: add ppa apt_repository: validate_certs: no repo: 'ppa:ondrej/php' state: present - name: inatall php apt: pkg: - php8.1-bcmath - php8.1-cli - php8.1-common - php8.1-curl - php8.1-gd - php8.1-imap - php8.1-intl - php8.1-mbstring - php8.1-mysql - php8.1-readline - php8.1-soap - php8.1-xml - php8.1-xmlrpc - php8.1-zip - php8.1-imagick - composer - ImageMagick