How to install ClamAV on cPanel Server

ClamAV is a free open-source anti-virus software. On the Cpanel server, it can be used to scam emails and website files.

To install ClamAV on the cPanel Server

1) log in to WHM as user root

2) On the Left menu, expand Cpanel > Manage Plugins

ClamAV installation on cPanel Server though WHM

Click on Install “ClamAV for cPanel” button.

3) After ClamAV is installed, you can configure it at

WHM > Plugins > Configure ClamAV Scanner

No need to make any changes here, the default configuration is fine.

4) You can log in to the Cpanel control panel as a normal user, you will see the option to scan email or files.

Cpanel Virus Scanner

Installing ClamAV though SSH

If you want to install ClamAV antivirus on cPanel server using SSH, run these 2 commands

/scripts/update_local_rpm_versions --edit target_settings.clamav installed
/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix --targets=clamav

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