Magento 2 Your password has expired

After resetting password on a Magento 2 installation, when trying to login to backend, I get following error message.

Your password has expired; please contact your administrator.
All other open sessions for this account were terminated.
It's time to change your password.

Magento 2 Password expired error

To fix this error, on the command line, run the following commands

php bin/magento config:set admin/security/password_is_forced 0
php bin/magento config:set admin/security/password_lifetime 0
php bin/magento cache:flush

You can also update the database table admin_passwords and update the value of the “expires” column to a future date (UNIX timestamp)

UPDATE admin_passwords SET expires=1999999998 WHERE user_id=USER_ID_HERE;

In the above SQL command, replace USER_ID_HERE with the “user_id” of the admin user for which you get the password expired error message.

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