docker-compose: error while loading shared libraries

docker-compose: error while loading shared libraries

When running docker-compose on CentOS 7, i get following error To fix the error, do the following Now create a

Apache mod_proxy

Cpanel ReverseProxy Traffic to Docker Container

On a cpanel server, i need to run a web application using docker container. Application running side docker container listening

Install gifsicle from source

Install gifsicle from source

gifsicle is a command line tool for editing, creating GIF images. You can get it from To install, run

Install optipng from source

Install optipng from source

optipng is image optimize for PNG format. You can download it form To install, run

Install jpegoptim from source

Install jpegoptim from source

jpegoptim is an open source jpeg image optizer. You can download it from To instll it, download latest version

VMWare ESXI Commands

VMWare ESXI Commands

To find vmware version, run Example To find IP address, run See VMWare esxcli

gem install error libxslt is missing

gem install error libxslt is missing

When installing ruby gem, i get following error Soluton Install missing libxslt devel package. On CentOS installed. For error “libxml2

Convert CentOS to CloudLinux

Convert CentOS to CloudLinux

CloudLinux is popular linux destribution used by shared hosting providers. Some of the advantage of cloudlinux is each user is

Deploy MySQL Server in Kubernetes using Helm

Deploy MySQL Server in Kubernetes using Helm

To install MySQL server in Kubernetes, run Once install is completed, you will get something like To connect to this

Install WordPress in Kubernetes

Install WordPress in Kubernetes

To install WordPress in Kubernetes, you need to install helm package manager. Now run After the helm chart is run,

Helm Kubernetes Package Manager

Helm Kubernetes Package Manager

Helm is Package Manager for Kubernetes. Helm packages are called “Charts”. Charts allow you to deploy various software on Kubernetes

Gem – Package Manager for Ruby

Gem – Package Manager for Ruby

gem is package manager for Ruby. To get list of all install packages, run To install a package, run To