

Install Paid SSL on Centova Cast Install LetsEncrypt Free SSL on Centova Cast CentovaCast Enable SSL on icecast CentovaCast Enable


Install SSL on Centova Cast

Edit file Find Add below Restart Centova Cast At this point, you will be able to access Centova Cast on

Server Monitoring

Server Monitoring

Monitor Server with Prometheus and Grafana https://my-netdata.io/ sensu Zabbix Monit https://vector.dev/ Auto Restart MySQL if Crashed PHP Script to monitor

ISPConfig 3 configuration files

ISPConfig 3 configuration files

ISPConfig 3 configuration files are are located in folder DocumentRoot Config file for webmail/phpmyadmin Config for ispconfig web interface

PostgreSQL Create Database

PostgreSQL Create Database

To create a database, run Creating user, grant permissions Creating a User and Database using psql

PostgreSQL drop database

PostgreSQL Delete a Database

To delete a PostgreSQL database, run Example



Install Odoo using Docker Odoo apt signatures couldn’t be verified Odoo init script odoo Unable to find Wkhtmltopdf on this

Odoo apt signatures couldn’t be verified

Odoo apt signatures couldn’t be verified

When updating apt on Ubuntu server, i get following error To fix, run

How to enable slow query log in MySQL/MariaDB

How to enable slow query log in MySQL/MariaDB

To enable MySQL slow query login, edit my.cnf file For MariaDB, edit Add Restart MySQL On CentOS, the command is

Nginx Configuration for Video Streaming With Secure Link

Nginx Configuration for Video Streaming With Secure Link

here is nginx configuration i used for a video site that have secure link. This video server is a storage

Installing tomcat on Ubuntu

Installing tomcat on Ubuntu

How to find java version Install Tomcat on CentOS 7 To install tomcat on Ubuntu 18.04, run Start tomcat with

Domain Resolver

Domain Resolver

Disable systemd-resolved CentOS 7 resolv.conf make changes permanent Ubuntu use systemd-resolve, to see status, run On Linux, Domain resolver configuration