pm2 process manager for node.js

Auto Start pm2 on boot
How to host static site using pm2

pm2 is a process manager for node.js applications. It is similar to forever.

First you need to install npm, on Ubuntu/Debian, run

apt install npm

To install pm2, run

npm install pm2 -g

Start an Application

pm2 start app.js

Start an Application with name

pm2 start app.js -n "app-name-here"

Start the Application in Cluster mode with

pm2 start app.js -n "app-name-here" -i 5

To Scale a clustered application, run

pm2 scale app-name-here 2

Start the processes on reboot

pm2 save
pm2 startup

List running applications

pm2 ls

Controlling running application

pm2 stop    
pm2 restart 
pm2 delete

Restart all running applications

pm2 restart all


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