Proxmox Manage Virtual Machines with qm command

To list all running Virtual Machines, run

qm list

To stop a VM, run

qm stop VM_ID

Here are other qm commands

qm guest cmd  
qm guest exec-status  
qm guest passwd   [OPTIONS]
qm guest exec  [] [OPTIONS]

qm clone   [OPTIONS]
qm config  [OPTIONS]
qm create  [OPTIONS]
qm delsnapshot   [OPTIONS]
qm destroy  [OPTIONS]
qm list  [OPTIONS]
qm listsnapshot 
qm migrate   [OPTIONS]
qm move_disk    [OPTIONS]
qm pending 
qm reset  [OPTIONS]
qm resize    [OPTIONS]
qm resume  [OPTIONS]
qm rollback  
qm sendkey   [OPTIONS]
qm set  [OPTIONS]
qm shutdown  [OPTIONS]
qm snapshot   [OPTIONS]
qm start  [OPTIONS]
qm stop  [OPTIONS]
qm suspend  [OPTIONS]
qm template  [OPTIONS]
qm unlink  --idlist  [OPTIONS]

qm cleanup   
qm importdisk    [OPTIONS]
qm importovf    [OPTIONS]
qm monitor 
qm mtunnel 
qm nbdstop 
qm rescan  [OPTIONS]
qm showcmd  [OPTIONS]
qm status  [OPTIONS]
qm terminal  [OPTIONS]
qm unlock 
qm vncproxy 
qm wait  [OPTIONS]
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