Monitor redis with redis-cli

On Ununtu/Debian, install it with

apt -y install redis-tools

To get stats, run

redis-cli --stat

If your redis on differnt sevrer or use non standard port, then use

redis-cli -h HOSTNAME -p PORT --stat


root@ip-10-0-0-31:~# redis-cli -h --stat
------- data ------ --------------------- load -------------------- - child -
keys       mem      clients blocked requests            connections          
9287       20.58M   27      0       179271 (+0)         1208        
9287       20.62M   27      0       179277 (+6)         1208        
9288       20.67M   28      0       179377 (+100)       1209        
9288       20.64M   28      0       179494 (+117)       1209        
9292       20.71M   28      0       179823 (+329)       1210        
9292       20.68M   28      0       179969 (+146)       1211        
9298       20.74M   29      0       180033 (+64)        1212        
9311       20.67M   28      0       180162 (+129)       1214        
9314       20.69M   29      0       180198 (+36)        1215        
9318       20.80M   30      0       180275 (+77)        1216        
9318       20.68M   30      0       180280 (+5)         1216        
9318       20.82M   31      0       180307 (+27)        1218        
9319       20.74M   31      0       180321 (+14)        1218        
9322       20.70M   29      0       180350 (+29)        1219        
9324       20.80M   30      0       180377 (+27)        1220        
9366       20.90M   30      0       180724 (+347)       1221        
9368       20.77M   29      0       181086 (+362)       1221        
9368       20.73M   27      0       181133 (+47)        1221        
9372       20.73M   27      0       181487 (+354)       1222        
9380       20.73M   27      0       181592 (+105)       1223        
------- data ------ --------------------- load -------------------- - child -
keys       mem      clients blocked requests            connections          
9384       20.76M   28      0       181639 (+47)        1224        
9391       20.77M   28      0       181718 (+79)        1224        
9391       20.79M   27      0       181731 (+13)        1224        
9391       20.67M   25      0       181771 (+40)        1224        
9391       20.67M   25      0       181780 (+9)         1224        
9391       20.67M   25      0       181849 (+69)        1224        


redis-cli INFO

If you want to see info about clients, run

redis-cli INFO clients


To see what redis is doing, run

redis-cli monitor

If your redis is running on remote server, then use

redis-cli -h REMOTE_SERVER_IP monitor
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