On Prestashop 1.7, open file
Find the value of “cookie_key”.

Find admin user with the command
select * from ps_employee;
This list all employee accounts. Find the email of the user you need to reset password
Now run the following SQL
update ps_employee set passwd=MD5("<cooie_key><NEW_PASSORD>") where email="[email protected]";
Here <cooie_key><NEW_PASSORD> is the combination of cookie_key and your new password. If your cookie key is ttVfw3V5mL7zJBk5QozFjuunN6u4wAkBcgydLFHd4d5hRzPpKjOb4Ohk and you need to reset your password to 2v1PSXa5MO6txmLd, use following command:
update ps_employee set passwd=MD5("ttVfw3V5mL7zJBk5QozFjuunN6u4wAkBcgydLFHd4d5hRzPpKjOb4Ohk2v1PSXa5MO6txmLd") where email="[email protected]";
This set the password for the admin user “[email protected]” to “2v1PSXa5MO6txmLd”.
See Prestashop
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