MySQL backup all databases

To backup all databases on a MySQL server, run This will create sql backup file for each database in your


bash: mysql_safe: command not found

On CentOS 7 server running MySQL 5.7, when trying to reset MySQL root password, I get an error This is


CentOS 7 MySQL 5.7 root password reset

To reset MySQL 5.7 root password on CentOS 7 server, do the following Stop MySQL Server Set the MySQL MYSQLD_OPTS

ERROR 1045 (28000): Plugin caching_sha2_password could not be loaded

ERROR 1045 (28000): Plugin caching_sha2_password could not be loaded

When I try to connect to a MySQL 8 server, I get the following error This is because of MySQL

Magento catalog_product_relation MySQL Error

Magento catalog_product_relation MySQL Error

On transferring a Magento website Database running on MySQL 5.7.34 to MariaDB 10.2.39, I get the following error SQL Strict

MySQL Cluster

MySQL Cluster

MariaDB Replication MariaDB galera cluster Disable MySQL Replication on Slave


MySQL 8 server requested authentication method unknown to the client

On a server running MySQL 8 and PHP 7.3, I get the following error boby@sok-01:~$ php 1.php PHP Warning: mysqli_connect():


How to rename a MySQL database table

To rename a MySQL database table, login to phpMyAdmin or MySQL command line, then select the database, run following SQL

MySQL Unknown collation: ‘utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci’

MySQL Unknown collation: ‘utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci’

When restoring a MySQL backup taken on MySQL 8 server, i get following error To fix this error, open the


How to Install MySQL 5.7 on Amazon Linux

Amazon Linux 2 come with MariaDB by default. To install MySQL 5.7, install repository with Install MySQL 5.7 with Set


MySQL Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements

When i try to create MySQL user on a server, i get following error This is due to MySQL validate

Change MySQL user password

Change MySQL user password

To change the password for a MySQL user, run Or via SQL See MySQL