MySQL Install

How to install MySQL 5.6 on CentOS 7 Install MySQL as Service in Windows MariaDB Install Latest MariaDB on CentOS


Reset MySQL root password on Bitnami server

To reset MySQL root password on Bitnami server, first check MySQL server version you are running. Create a file Add

MariaDB Change Open Files Limit

MariaDB Change Open Files Limit

When using systemctl, you can set value for open_files_limit in my.cnf file. Default installation of MariaDB 10 have open_files_limit set

MySQL Can’t create new tempfile

MySQL Can’t create new tempfile

When i try to repair a crashed database table, i get error Check the table with myisamcheck It reported some


Split mysqldump backup file into tables

I had to restore a large MySQL backup file. When restoring one of the table resulted in error. To debug


Auto Restart MySQL if Crashed

This bash script is used to auto-restart MySQL or MariaDB database if it crashes or stops for any reason. Create

Find MySQL Database and Table Size

Find MySQL Database and Table Size

To find size of database using SQL command, run following SQL in MySQL promt. Example FInd disk usage by tables

Percona Monitoring and Management

Percona Monitoring and Management

Percona Monitoring and Management is an Open Source monitoring software for MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB. It is based on

MySQL ERROR Unable to create or change a table without a primary key

MySQL ERROR Unable to create or change a table without a primary key

When trying to restore a database backup to Managed DigitialOcean MySQL 8 database, i get following error This is because

ERROR 1118 Row size too large  Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB may help.

ERROR 1118 Row size too large Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB may help.

When restoring a MySQL database, i get error I installed exactly same MraiaDB version on both source and destination server.

MariaDB ERROR 1524  Plugin unix_socket is not loaded

MariaDB ERROR 1524 Plugin unix_socket is not loaded

After upgrading MariaDB on Ubuntu server, i got following error Users created worked fine. Only root user had this error.

MySQL Initialize Data Directory

MySQL Initialize Data Directory

To initialize MySQL data directory, run This will create /var/lib/mysql dirrectory. For some version of MySQL you can use Example