ERROR 1118 Row size too large Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB may help.

When restoring a MySQL database, i get error

root@server:~# mysql production < db.sql
ERROR 1118 (42000) at line 733: Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB may help. In current row format, BLOB prefix of 0 bytes is stored inline.

I installed exactly same MraiaDB version on both source and destination server. But still restring failed.

This is due to default Engine. On old server, i had

MariaDB [adrymmls]>  show engines;
| Engine             | Support | Comment                                                                          | Transactions | XA   | Savepoints |
| MRG_MyISAM         | YES     | Collection of identical MyISAM tables                                            | NO           | NO   | NO         |
| MyISAM             | DEFAULT | Non-transactional engine with good performance and small data footprint          | NO           | NO   | NO         |
| CSV                | YES     | Stores tables as CSV files                                                       | NO           | NO   | NO         |
| MEMORY             | YES     | Hash based, stored in memory, useful for temporary tables                        | NO           | NO   | NO         |
| Aria               | YES     | Crash-safe tables with MyISAM heritage                                           | NO           | NO   | NO         |
| InnoDB             | YES     | Supports transactions, row-level locking, foreign keys and encryption for tables | YES          | YES  | YES        |
| PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA | YES     | Performance Schema                                                               | NO           | NO   | NO         |
| SEQUENCE           | YES     | Generated tables filled with sequential values                                   | YES          | NO   | YES        |
8 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [adrymmls]> 

On new server, it had InnoDB was set as default.

MariaDB [production]> show engines;
| Engine             | Support | Comment                                                                          | Transactions | XA   | Savepoints |
| MRG_MyISAM         | YES     | Collection of identical MyISAM tables                                            | NO           | NO   | NO         |
| CSV                | YES     | Stores tables as CSV files                                                       | NO           | NO   | NO         |
| MEMORY             | YES     | Hash based, stored in memory, useful for temporary tables                        | NO           | NO   | NO         |
| MyISAM             | YES     | Non-transactional engine with good performance and small data footprint          | NO           | NO   | NO         |
| Aria               | YES     | Crash-safe tables with MyISAM heritage                                           | NO           | NO   | NO         |
| InnoDB             | DEFAULT | Supports transactions, row-level locking, foreign keys and encryption for tables | YES          | YES  | YES        |
| PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA | YES     | Performance Schema                                                               | NO           | NO   | NO         |
| SEQUENCE           | YES     | Generated tables filled with sequential values                                   | YES          | NO   | YES        |
8 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [production]> 


Edit the SQL file in a text editor. Go to the line in the error message. In this case line 733, you will see a create table statement. Go to end of this table create statement. You will see ENGINE=InnoDB, replace it with ENGINE=MyISAM.

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