Upgrade EasyEngine

To upgrade EasyEngine, run

ee cli update

It is recommended you run this in tmux or screen to avoid disconnection while upgrading.

EasyEngine upgrade


root@ip-172-26-9-39:~# ee cli update
Note: It is recommended to run EasyEngine update in tmux/screen. Update at times may take some time.
To view progress, tail logs in a different window using `tail -f /opt/easyengine/logs/ee.log`.
You have version 4.0.14. Would you like to update to 4.0.17? [y/n] y
Downloading from https://github.com/EasyEngine/easyengine/releases/download/v4.0.17/easyengine.phar...
md5 hash verified: cb9041faecdae54e51aafdc9adccc4e5
Updating EasyEngine to new version. This might take some time.
New version works. Proceeding to replace.
Success: Updated EE to 4.0.17.

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