How to Upgrade Debian 10 to Debian 11

One of the advantages of the Debian operating system is easy to upgrade to the newer version. Login to your

sudo: command not found

On a Debian server, when running a command with sudo, I got the error sudo: command not found To fix

Debian 11.0 Bullseye

Debian 11.0 Bullseye released

Debian 11.0 Bullseye released on August 14th, 2021 is the next major Debian GNU/Linux distribution release. Debian 10 buster is

How to install development tools on Debian/Ubuntu

How to install development tools on Debian/Ubuntu

Development tools are programs used to build software from its source code. These include compilers, make, and other generally used

Create a Debian Container in LXD

Create a Debian Container in LXD

Debian OS templates are available in images:debian/VERSION. To see all available Debian OS templates, run To create a container with

CloudPanel Hosting Control Panel

CloudPanel – Free Hosting Control Panel Debian 10/Nginx

CloudPanel is a free hosting control panel, that make deploying web application on cloud easier. It use Nginx web server,

Uninstalling Software in Debian Server

Uninstalling Software in Debian Server

To uninstall a software on Debian server, run apt remove PKG_NAME Example To all installed software with specific name, run



To search for available packages, run apt-cache search PKG_NAME Example boby@sok-01:~$ apt-cache search wget devscripts – scripts to make the

Auto upgrade software in Ubuntu/Debian

Auto upgrade software in Ubuntu/Debian

To auto upgrade software packages in Ubuntu/Debian, install apt install -y unattended-upgrades Edit vi /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades In this file, you can

apt The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found

apt The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found

When running apt update on a Debian server, i get error root@shop:~# apt-get update E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could

Install bitninja firewall

Install bitninja firewall

To install bitninja on Debian/Ubuntu, run sudo su -c “echo deb bitninja non-free >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bitninja.list” sudo su -c “wget

download package using apt

Download a package using apt on Debian/Ubuntu

On Debian and Ubuntu servers, you can download a package using apt download command. apt download PKG_NAME Package will get