How to Change PHP version in OpenLiteSpeed

How to Change PHP version in OpenLiteSpeed

I installed OpenLiteSpeed on a server. The default PHP version was 7.3. I wanted PHP 7.4 on this server. To


OpenLiteSpeed move Swapping Directory

By default OpenLiteSpeed use /tmp/lshttpd/swap for temp files. If your /tmp partition is small, disk may get full. To move

LiteSpeed Web Server

Install LiteSpeed Web Server

LiteSpeed is a high performance web server. Unlike most other web servers, this is a paid software, so you will

Zend OpCache GUI

Install Zend OpCache on OpenLiteSpeed Server

To install Zend OpCache on OpenLiteSpeed Server, run apt install -y lsphp73-opcache Now restart PHP with command killall -9 lsphp