OpenLiteSpeed move Swapping Directory

By default OpenLiteSpeed use /tmp/lshttpd/swap for temp files. If your /tmp partition is small, disk may get full.

To move OpenLiteSpeed swap partition to / partition do the following.

mkdir -p /lswstmp/lshttpd/swap
chmod 750 /lswstmp/lshttpd
chmod 700 /lswstmp/lshttpd/swap
chown -R nobody:nobody /lswstmp/lshttpd

Now login to OpenLiteSpeed admin interface at


If you don’t have user name and password, you can reset it by running command


Once logged in, go to

Server Configuration > General


Under “Server Process’ section, you need to edit value of “Swapping Directory”. Default value is “/tmp/lshttpd/swap”, change it to “/lswstmp/lshttpd/swap”.

Restart OpenLiteSpeed. You can do it using web interface or using SSH.

systemctl restart lsws

See OpenLiteSpeed

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One thought on “OpenLiteSpeed move Swapping Directory

  • Please Change
    chown -R nobody:nobody /lswstmp/lshttpd


    chown -R nobody:nogroup /lswstmp/lshttpd


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