caddy webserver

How to Use Caddy as a Reverse Proxy

Caddy is a powerful and user-friendly web server. One of its features is its ability to act as a reverse

How to install lighttpd from source code

Lighttpd is a secure, fast, compliant, and very flexible web server that has been optimized for high-performance environments. In this

LiteSpeed Webserver

How to update LiteSpeed License from command line

If you want to change the License key for your LiteSpeed webserver, you can do the following. cd /usr/local/lsws/conf mv

systemd service file for openlitespeed

To start/stop OpenLiteSpeed web server, you can use the following systemd service file vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/lshttpd.service Add following content [Unit] Description=OpenLiteSpeed

Enable HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR in Haproxy

By default, Haproxy won’t forward visitor IP address to backend servers. To enable Haproxy forward visitor IP address to backend

Redirect HTTP to HTTPS with IIS 10

To redirect a domain to HTTPS, Click on the website in IIS, you will see If you don’t see the

Enable Detailed Error Messages in IIS

Enable Detailed Error Messages in IIS

To show detailed error message on IIS web server, edit web.config, add the following See IIS cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

While installing LiteSpeed web server on a Cpanel server running on ALMALINUX 8.4, I get an error /usr/src/lsws/lsws-6.0.9/admin/fcgi-bin/admin_php5: error while

CyberPanel Change SSH port

Change SSH port in CyberPanel

CyberPanel is a free open source control panel for web hosting. It use OpenLiteSpeed web server. You have the option


WebSocket Server is a technology that enables real-time communication between a web application and a server. It provides a bidirectional