LiteSpeed Web Server

LiteSpeed is a high performance web server.

Login to the admin interface at


To check the version, run

# /usr/local/lsws/bin/lshttpd -v
LiteSpeed/5.3 Enterprise

To check the license, run

# /usr/local/lsws/bin/lshttpd -V
[OK] Leased license key 1 will expire in 11 days!
2018-09-26 19:32:39.183054 [NOTICE] Memory size is: 65633856KB.
2018-09-26 19:32:39.622593 [NOTICE] [OK] Updated license key has been created at /usr/local/lsws/conf/license.key.

To see status, run

# /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl status
litespeed is running with PID 19512.

Restart litespeed

/usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl restart

Reset admin password

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