Change Magento 1.9 admin URL

To change Magento admin URL, login to Magento Admin area.

Go to System > Configuration

On next page, from side menu, click on Admin menu.

On next page

Use Custom Admin Path = Yes
Custom Admin Path = okadmin

Replace “okadmin” with whatever folder name you need for your magento admin area.

Click “Save Config”

Edit file

vi app/etc/local.xml


< ![CDATA[admin]]>

Replace admin with your new folder name for admin area.

Now you need to Clean magento cache. This can be done with command

cd /path/to/magento/install/dir
rm -rf var/cache

Now you admin area will work on new URL.

Doing it with MySQL

Here is the changes made on database when i changed a sites admin folder path to “localsense”.

Some useful SQL

select * from core_config_data where path like "%url";
select * from core_config_data where path like "%custom_path%";

You can just set the value for “admin/url/use_custom_path” to 1 and “admin/url/custom_path” to the new admin folder name you need.

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