Encrypt a file using gpg

To encrypt a file using gpg command, run

gpg -o myfile.tar.gpg --symmetric myfile.tar

Now it will ask for a password. Once you enter password 2 times, file will be encrypted.


To decrypt a file, run

gpg myfile.tar.gpg

It will ask for the password, once you enter password, get file decrypted.


gpg decrypt

This encryption process will also compress the file.

-rw-r--r--   1 root root 1559767040 Oct  1 08:35 home-boby.tar
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  666947870 Oct  1 08:24 home-boby.tar.gpg

In above example, 1.5 GB tar file get compressed into 600 MB file when encrypted with gpg

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