Fix yum duplicate packages

On a CentOS server, when running

yum update

It failed with following error

acl-2.2.51-14.el7.x86_64 is a duplicate with acl-2.2.51-12.el7.x86_64
alt-libcurlssl-7.60.0-1.el7.x86_64 is a duplicate with alt-libcurlssl-7.54.0-8.el7.cloudlinux.x86_64
alt-php-config-1-29.1.el7.noarch is a duplicate with alt-php-config-1-27.el7.noarch
alt-php44-4.4.9-88.el7.x86_64 is a duplicate with alt-php44-4.4.9-81.el7.x86_64
alt-php44-bcmath-4.4.9-88.el7.x86_64 is a duplicate with alt-php44-bcmath-4.4.9-81.el7.x86_64

This is because previous “yum update” failed for some reason after package install. So no cleanup was done.

To fix, you need to use package-cleanup command.

yum install yum-utils

To list all duplicate packages, run

package-cleanup --dupes

To remove all duplicate packages, run

package-cleanup --cleandupes

Now do a yum update

yum update

This will update your system and install any missing packages.

To verify if there any problem, run

package-cleanup --problems

If this does not fix, try yum fix duplicate package error

See yum

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