How to install PPTP VPN on Rocky Linux 8

PPTP on Rocky Linux is provided by the EPEL repository, so enable EPEL repo by running

Install the pptpd package

Edit file

At end of the file, add

Edit file

At the end, add


To set PPTPD VPN server to start on boot, run

To start VPN

To stop VPN

To check status, run

Create a VPN user

To create a VPN user, edit the file

Inside you can add your VPN user and password. For example

This will create a VPN user with the username “serverok” and password “ooyeegei8Ienai”.

After adding a user you need to restart the PPTPD service with the command

Confire firewall to allow VPN connection

Install firewalld with command

Enable and start firewalld

Open ports needed for PPTPD VPN on the firewall

Enable IP forwarding by editing the file

In the file, add



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